Bullet Journal Templates

Not Just Talk But Act

OneNote is very flexible and you can move pages around and reorder them. So I won’t spend much time now on structuring my Bullet Journal. I simply created a section for „Januar 2023“ with a page for each day and a section for „Year 2023“. And then, I started filling them with my regular existing and new notes. But let’s start with the important pages -the daily journal.

Bullet Journal „Daily“ Templates

The main part of my paper bullet journal -at least for my daily use- is the daily journal. I write down appointments, daily todos, notes and other comments for the day. I glued my festival and fight tickets in there and everything else which I would like to keep. So in the past, I always got myself a prepared daily planner, usually a school planner.

As a software developer, I am lazy. And I don’t have time -and motivation- to spend an hour a day preparing a beautiful daily page. I never had it on paper and will not spend this time with OneNote. So how could this work with OneNote?

The daily journal should be

  • already prepared
  • added to OneNote fast

For my first iteration, I bought a digital bullet journal pdf on Etsy which is for 2023 and contains all pages I required in a layout I like. I moved the pdf to my iCloud storage and it is available on all my devices.

In theory, I could write my notes directly with my iPad and the default pdf editor into the document. The changes would be synced to iCloud and my journal available everywhere. But since I want to have all notes in a single place, this was not an option for me.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to simply add a single pdf page with the default extensions directly into a new page. I had to create a screenshot and add the picture manually. After I added the screenshot and to avoid it getting moved after I added some lines, I set the picture as the background on the image context menu.

Example of by bought calendar
Add the screenshot as a background image


I use an already created bullet journal pdf with my templates for the bullet journal and add a daily screenshot as a background.




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