A Blog about C#, Clean Code, and Refactoring

  • vim on Windows

    vim on Windows

    As a former and still partial Linux nerd, I love „vim“. Here is a quick guide on installing vim on a Windows machine. I use chocolatey so type choco install vim To install Chocolatey, visit the homepage and use the provided Powershell script. To get rid of backups, either deactivate them or change the backup…

  • EF Core Migrate Database First to Code First

    EF Core Migrate Database First to Code First

    This blog post is not aimed at writing yet another article about a change in the conceptual approach of database definition. And I won’t discuss the advantages of each technique. This blog post is a link collection to IMHO valuable posts and other references. The following article discusses the different approaches to creating the database…

  • Azure pipeline fails with „no net70 support“

    Azure pipeline fails with „no net70 support“

    The Azure pipeline stopped working on Friday afternoon for no reason. It even stopped on the main branch although it was working before and the pull request build was green. I got the following error message with random packages. ##[error]The nuget command failed with exit code(1) and error(NU1202: Package <Random Package> x.y.z is not compatible…

  • Azure Pipelines & CAST Highlight

    Azure Pipelines & CAST Highlight

    The CAST Highlight tool is just another static code analysis tool and part of our SecDevOps portfolio. So the task was to integrate it into the Azure pipeline after creating a tag. Failure #1 The first attempt to use the Azure Marketplace Add-In did not work for me. It returns that a wrong Java version…

  • Panik?! Kubernetes ohne Docker

    Panik?! Kubernetes ohne Docker

    Das steckt da wirklich hinter Vor ein paar Tagen stieß ich auf einen Artikel mit dem verwirrenden Titel „What Does Kubernetes’ Docker Deprecation Mean for Users“ oder zu deutsch „Was bedeutet die Abkündigung von Docker in Kubernetes für Benutzer?“. Der Artikel impliziert, dass eine Microservice Architektur auf der Basis von Docker nicht mehr auf einem…

  • Bullet Journal Templates

    Not Just Talk But Act OneNote is very flexible and you can move pages around and reorder them. So I won’t spend much time now on structuring my Bullet Journal. I simply created a section for „Januar 2023“ with a page for each day and a section for „Year 2023“. And then, I started filling…

  • OneNote as Bullet Journal

    Bullet Journaling For a couple of years, I use the technique of a bullet journal to get my days, weeks, and months organized. I am not someone who can handicraft for hours as relaxation. So my bullet journal was just a huge book with handwritten notes and a default calendar so I don’t need to…

  • Create C# SMTP Server

    It took a while to find a library which provides a SMTP server. There are a lot of SMTP clients out there, but the number of SMTP servers seems very limited. Finally, I found a library SmtpServer with an SMTP server and several hooks to extend the functionality. Open port 25 The documentation is straightforward…

  • ESP8266, Homematic & Raumtemperatur

    Projektziel: Temperaturanzeige Für meine Hausautomatisierung benutze ich eine Homematic von ELV. Mit der Erweiterung „XML-API“ kann man die Sensoren auslesen und steuern. Für mein erstes Projekt wollte ich die Temperaturen der HM Thermostatventile auslesen und über ein kleines Display anzeigen. Komnponenten & Bibliotheken Für meinen Prototyp benötige ich die folgenden Komponenten Zusätzlich habe ich noch…

  • Pre-Compiler Directives That Make Sense

    The [last blog article](/posts/sonar_code_duplicates/) was dealing with the same linked file in different projects. A reason could be, that some code needs to be compiled with different frameworks. In my case, I had to compile business logic with Microsoft CSOM for SharePoint 2016 and Microsoft CSOM for SharePoint Online. The API is more or less…