Schlagwort: EN
OneNote as Bullet Journal
Bullet Journaling For a couple of years, I use the technique of a bullet journal to get my days, weeks, and months organized. I am not someone who can handicraft for hours as relaxation. So my bullet journal was just a huge book with handwritten notes and a default calendar so I don’t need to…
Create C# SMTP Server
It took a while to find a library which provides a SMTP server. There are a lot of SMTP clients out there, but the number of SMTP servers seems very limited. Finally, I found a library SmtpServer with an SMTP server and several hooks to extend the functionality. Open port 25 The documentation is straightforward…
Pre-Compiler Directives That Make Sense
The [last blog article](/posts/sonar_code_duplicates/) was dealing with the same linked file in different projects. A reason could be, that some code needs to be compiled with different frameworks. In my case, I had to compile business logic with Microsoft CSOM for SharePoint 2016 and Microsoft CSOM for SharePoint Online. The API is more or less…
SonarQube Code Duplicates
Sometimes you need to copy code between different projects for several reasons. It is required that the same class has to be in both projects e.g. a class that is compiled with different frameworks. But this has a negative impact on code analysis results regarding code duplicates. So let’s take an analysis result of a…
Dynamically create a generic using reflection
A long time ago I created a class which helps create a sut for unit testing. This class is generic and has the type of the sut as a generic parameter. Details see ContextFor<> zum Testen des SUT. Now, I was trying to use the `ContextFor<T>` in a data-driven test which passes the type as…
Lazy loading of assemblies can be tricky
NUnit error message on data-driven test: `Test` is Inconclusive ReSharper Test Runner warning: Element `Test` was left pending after its run completion. Recently I was doing some testing and trying to check if all classes have a corresponding test class. Therefore I used data-driven NUnit tests, which uses a list of all classes in non-test…